Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
medium, or difficult.
several communities, from San Antonio
Sidewalks are an essential piece
to Georgetown, along the ever growing
Bicycle and pedestrian facilities are
to the transportation puzzle as they
I-35 corridor. The planned passenger rail
significant mechanisms in building a
accommodate and encourage pedestrian
service (LSTAR) will be designed to be
sustainable transportation system. From
mobility. Sidewalks are equally as
time-competitive and cost-competitive with
2008 to 2010, 5.3 percent of San
important to the transportation system
automobile travel, while offering a higher
Marcos’ workforce either walked or used
as roadways and are complementary to
on time performance and reliability.
a bicycle as means to travel to work or
public transit.
Individual benefit from LSTAR will come in
The city’s existing sidewalk inventory is
the form of a congestion-proof alternative
The 2012 San Marcos Bicycle Map
shown on the Bike/Ped map by condition
to driving on the region’s congested
illustrates the City’s existing and proposed
(good, fair, poor). The current sidewalk
roadways. In year 2035, benefits of the
non-motorized transportation facilities.
network has missing links in critical areas
passenger rail include:
The bicycle routes depicted are the result
of the city as well as poorly maintained
• 726,000-1,288,000 annual passenger
of a suitability assessment based on the
sections. Development Services
hours saved
following five factors: (1) traffic density;
• $719 million in estimated fuel savings
(2) on-road bicycle facilities; (3) change
staff is developing criteria to guide future
in elevation; (4) road conditions; and, (5)
sidewalk projects in essential locations to
• 3.2 to 5.8 million annual boardings
citizen feedback. Each bicycle facility
improve pedestrian mobility around the
presented was rated on these factors and
assigned an accessibility rating of easy,
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