Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
provide transit service to the urbanized
area for a minimum of three years. CARTS
Given the environmental and
in conjunction with the City of San Marcos
In 2012, the City of San Marcos was
topographical nature of San Marcos,
and the urbanized area will develop a
defined as an urbanized area by the US
the necessity for bridges is vast. The
comprehensive public transportation plan
Census. The Urbanized Area includes
responsibility of maintaining bridges is
to address future public transportation
portions of the city limits of San Marcos
similar to that of roadway maintenance,
and Martindale as well as areas in
with TxDOT maintaining interstate and
Texas State University provides public
Caldwell and Guadalupe Counties.
highways and the City and County
transportation opportunities to its students,
Under this urbanized area designation,
maintaining local streets. According to
faculty and staff which is funded solely
federal and state public transportation
the most recent Geographic Information
through the student bus fee. San Marcos
funding moves from the rural category to
System (GIS) data available from the
may chose to partner with the University
small urban and an Urban Transit District
Capital Area Metropolitan Planning
to create a seamless and comprehensive
must be created. A Public Transportation
Organization (CAMPO), there are 12
public transportation system for the City.
Conference was conducted in 2012 by
bridges classified as either structurally
Lone Star Rail District was created in 2003
representatives of the governing bodies
deficient or functionally obsolete.
to evaluate and operate a commuter rail
within the urbanized area to solicit public
service to connect
comment. Based upon the outcome
of the conference, Capital Area Rural
Transportation System (CARTS) agreed to
create an Urban / Rural Transit District and
Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us pg 101
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