San Marcos Development Code (effective November 3, 2021)

7 C H A P T E R

Supplemental Development Standards

B. Certification Required. The design of freestanding signs over 25 feet in height above ground level shall be cer tified by a professional engineer for structural integrity. C. Electric Signs. Electric signs shall have an accessible disconnect switch and shall be labeled to indicate the voltage and amperage of electrical circuits connected to the sign. D. Maintenance Required. Signs shall be maintained in good condition, including replacement of defective or missing par ts, painting and cleaning, and replacement or covering of sign faces that exhibit damage or deterioration. E. Safety Hazard. A sign determined to be a hazard to public health and safety shall be subject to enforcement under Section of this Ar ticle. F. CEVM Signs. Each CEVM sign shall be cer tified by the manufacturer that it does not exceed the standards established by this Chapter or the Technical Manual and the sign owner or operator shall accept, construct, maintain, and operate the sign within the established standards as a condition of maintaining the sign permit. G. Enforcement. When a sign is determined to be out of compliance, the sign’s owner or agent shall be provided 30 days to repair the sign. After the 30 days the sign is a nonconforming sign and shall be removed either by the owner or by the City at the owner’s expense. These remedies are in addition to any removal expenses, penalties, fines, or cour t costs the City may assess or incur as a result of the enforcement of this Development Code or other applicable regulations, and may include liens and forfeiture of any conditional use permits or other remedies available to the City. Section Temporary Signs A. General. Temporary signs are subject to the limitations indicated in this Section, as well as the location restrictions in Section B. Area Limitations. Temporary signs shall not exceed the following area limitations: 1. 96 square feet each for Premises within the highway corridor; 2. 12 square feet each for premises occupied by single- or two-family residential uses; and

3. 32 square feet each on all other premises.

C. Number of Temporary Signs Permitted on a Premises. The number of temporary signs other than political signs displayed on a premises at any given time is limited to one sign per thoroughfare frontage and a maximum of two signs per lot. D. Permits Not Required. Permits are not required for temporary signs, except for banner signs over public rights-of-way, which shall be limited to community information signs. A completed information form is required for all temporary signs greater than 12 square feet. E. Certificate of Appropriateness. A cer tificate of appropriateness is not required for a temporary sign located in the historic district. F. Time Durations Permitted. Temporary signs are subject to the following limitations of the duration of their use: 2. For real estate signs, during the period in which the subject proper ty is for sale or lease. This shall not apply to residential uses that have individual units for sale or lease on a continuous basis, such as multiple-family uses. 3. All other proper ties may have a temporary sign displayed on the proper ty for a maximum of 90 days per calendar year. 1. For construction signs, during the period of construction.


This Division 3 is applicable in legacy districts and special districts

Section On-Premises Attached Signs

A. Standards. Permanent on-premises attached signs are subject to the following standards: 1. Attached signs shall not extend ver tically above the highest point of the roof line above the facade. Attached signs shall not extend into a required building setback area. 2. The area of attached signs is limited according to the land use of the premises as follows:


Amended: November 3, 2021 San Marcos Development Code

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