San Marcos Development Code (effective November 3, 2021)



Supplemental Development Standards

1. Persons who install, construct, paint or incorporate a sign as an integral par t of the facade or structure of a permitted building, accessory structure, wall or fence; 2. Persons who install or erect a temporary sign or any sign not requiring a permit; and 3. Persons who erect a sign on the premises of a business or proper ty under their ownership, provided the sign does not overhang public right-of-way. Section Inspection A. All signs or operations requiring a permit are subject to inspection by the Responsible Official Section Removal A. Safety Hazard. The Responsible Official or any police officer may cause to be removed and impounded any sign determined to be an immediate safety hazard. B. Unlawfully Situated Signs. Any sign unlawfully situated in public right-of-way, on a utility pole, on public proper ty other than right-of-way or in a required sight triangle, or any temporary sign violating the standards of this ordinance shall be removed immediately. The Responsible Official or any police officer may remove and impound the sign without notice. C. Interference with Removal. It is unlawful for any person to interfere with employees or agents of the City who are removing a sign under this Section. D. Impounded Signs. All impounded signs (except disposable signs) shall be stored and, upon proper identification thereof by the owner, may be redeemed upon payment of reasonable charges incurred by the City for removal, transpor tation, storage and administrative costs resulting from the impoundment. All signs not redeemed within 30 calendar days are subject to disposal in the manner provided by law for the disposition of abandoned proper ty. Disposable signs, such as garage sale signs, may be disposed of immediately. Section Construction and Maintenance A. Compliance with Codes. All permanent signs shall comply with the City building and electrical codes.


Section Permit

A. Required. It is unlawful to display, erect, rebuild, expand or relocate any sign without first filing an application and obtaining a sign permit, in accordance with this Section Electrical permits are also required for electric signs, except those designed to be plugged into an existing electric outlet. B. Common Sign Plan. A common sign plan may be approved in accordance with Section Section Contractor’s License A. Generally. Electric signs and all permanent signs involving structural requirements of the building code (as adopted and amended) shall be erected only by a sign contractor licensed by the City in accordance with this Section. B. Application. Applications for sign contractor’s licenses shall be on forms furnished by the City. The Responsible Official shall, within five working days of the date of application for a sign contractor’s license, approve or deny the application or return it to the applicant when insufficient information has been furnished. Each license issued shall be assigned a number which will be recorded on all applications submitted by the license holder for sign permits. C. Renewal. Sign contractor’s licenses shall expire on December 31 following the date of issuance and shall be renewed annually. New licenses issued within 60 calendar days before December 31 are exempt from renewal until the following year. D. Fees. An initial fee and an annual renewal fee established by the City Council shall be charged for sign contractor licenses. E. Revocation and Suspension. A sign contractor’s license may be revoked or temporarily suspended by the Responsible Official upon notice in writing to the licensee if it is found that the license was issued on the basis of information that was incorrect, or misleading, or if the contractor has violated any section of this Chapter. F. Exemption. The following persons are not required to obtain a sign contractor’s license or bond, but shall comply with all other sections of this Chapter:


San Marcos Development Code Amended: November 3, 2021

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