San Marcos Development Code (effective November 3, 2021)



Supplemental Development Standards

a. Single-family, two-family and mobile home residential uses may have only those signs exempted in Section and permitted signs adver tising a home occupation authorized by Section signs prohibited); b. Multifamily residential uses, residential condominiums and group quar ters (lodging houses and boarding houses, dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses) may have identification signs having a total aggregate area of up to 5 percent of the area of the facade on which they are located (CEVM signs prohibited); c. Office/professional, agricultural, business park, industrial and institutional uses may have signs with a total aggregate area of up to 10 percent of the area of the facade on which they are located; d. All other nonresidential uses may have signs, including window signs, with a total aggregate area of up to 10 percent of the area of the facade on which they are located; and e. Premises containing two or more uses having different standards under this Section shall have the allowable area determined by the use allowing the greater area. 3. CEVM signs may be incorporated into an on-premises attached sign, however, it shall not exceed 25 per cent of the total area allowed. Section On-Premises Freestanding Signs A. Allowed Signs and Standards. Permanent on-premises freestanding signs are subject to the following standards: 1. The number of these signs on a premises is limited to one per street frontage. The following are not counted in this limitation: a. Directional signs up to 12 square feet in area, provided the number of these signs does not exceed the number of driveways; and

2. Changeable Electronic Variable Message (CEVM) Signs are limited to major and minor ar terials, and state and federal highways in accordance with these regulations and other state and federal guidelines. 3. Along Wonder World Drive, Clovis Barker, McCar ty Lane, SH110, Hunter Road, Centerpoint Road, Staples Road, Hwy 80, Hopkins St., Hwy123, Aquarena Springs Dr., Hwy 21 and future extensions of these roadways and other major or minor ar terials, new Changeable Electronic Variable Message (CEVM) Signs are restricted to monument signs only.

4. Maximum height.

a. The maximum height (see Figure 7.22 (Method of Measuring a Pole Sign) and Figure 7.23 (Monument Sign Measurement) of any on-premises signs shall not exceed the following:

1. 42½ feet along Interstate Highway 35.

2. 30 feet along Highways 123, 21, and 80.

3. 25 feet along all other Thoroughfares.

4. Lots/businesses with thoroughfare frontage in excess of 400 linear feet may have one additional ground/monument sign per thoroughfare frontage. Ground/monument signs shall not exceed seven feet in height. A. Frontage in this instance means each lot shall have at least 50 feet of adjacent, direct access to the thoroughfare right-of-way. 5. Changeable Electronic Variable Message (CEVM) Signs or the area of a sign containing the CEVM shall not exceed 25 feet in height. 6. Freestanding signs over four feet in height shall not be located within ten feet of any proper ty line unless displayed on a permitted fence or wall. Signs greater than six feet in height must be reviewed by the City electric utility for proper clearance from power lines. 7. Monument Changeable Electronic Variable Message (CEVM)Signs shall not exceed seven

b. Subdivision identification signs in accordance with this Section.


San Marcos Development Code Amended: November 3, 2021

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