San Marcos Development Code 9.1.2020
8 C H A P T E R
De nitions
either in whole or in part, may be changed by means of electronic, computerized programming, or any other means, and which the message is in text, alpha-numeric characters, symbols, logos, or static image. There shall be no more than one message or static image displayed at any time and the message, image or background shall not change more often than once every 60 sec- onds. Monument Signs on which the sole message is the grade and price of fuel, or time and temperature or a drive through menu board are not considered CEVM Signs. promotes items of community interest including time, temperature, date, atmospheric conditions and upcom- ing noncommercial events or charitable causes. j. Sign, Directional - a Sign which provides directions to a destination or other wayfinding information. k. Sign, Directory - A Sign that displays the tenant name and location for a Building containing multiple tenants l. Sign, Freestanding - any Sign affixed to the ground or mounted on a fence or wall which is not an integral part of a Building or Accessory Structure. m. Sign, Identification - a Sign containing the name, ad- dress and recognized symbol or logo of a Subdivision, Building or complex of Buildings containing multiple occupancies or of any nonprofit, civic, religious, edu- cational or governmental institution. Identification Signs for multiple occupancies may also contain the names, addresses and recognized symbol or logo of two or more of the individual tenants or businesses. n. Sign, Marquee - A vertical Sign that is located either along the Building Facade where it projects perpendicu- lar to the Facade; or at the corner of the Building where it projects at a 45 degree angle. Marquee Signs are a structural feature of a Building that provides both cover to pedestrians and Sign space. These Signs may extend beyond the parapet of the Building where it projects at a 45 degree angle, but may also terminate below the cor- nice or eave. Marquee Signs often have neon lettering used in conjunction with removable or painted lettering. i. Sign, Community Information - any Sign which
o. Sign, Monument - a Sign that is Erected on a solid base directly on the ground and not supported by a pole, and that is itself constructed of a solid material. p. Sign, Multi Business - Signs that are mounted in a yard between the Public Right-of-Way and the Build- ing Facade. Signs mounted in a yard may be placed parallel or perpendicular to the enfronting Thoroughfare. Multi-Business Signs are for Buildings in which multiple businesses are located in Mixed-Use environments that are in the process of transitioning from a suburban to an urban environment. q. Sign, Off Premises - a Sign which does not exclusively refer to the name, location, products, persons, services or activities of or on the Premises where it is located, except for certain permitted Multiple Occupancy busi- ness centers. r. Sign, On Premises - any Sign which relates exclusively to the name, location, products, persons, services or activities of or on the Premises where it is located. s. Sign, Outdoor Display Case - a Sign which consists of a lockable metal or wood framed cabinet with a trans- parent window or windows, mounted onto a Building wall or free-standing support. It allows the contents, such as menus or maps, to be maintained and kept current. t. Sign, Pole - A Sign other than an Outdoor Display Case which is mounted on one or more freestanding sup- ports, such as a frame, column, mast, pole or similar support such that the bottom of the Sign face or lowest Sign module is not in contact with the ground. u. Sign, Sidewalk - A Sign that provides secondary Signage and may be used to announce daily specials, sales, or point to shops located off the sidewalk. They may be painted wood panels or cut wood shapes. Tra- ditional slate boards are highly recommended. Chaser lights or aluminum signs may not be used. May also be referred to as a Sandwich Board. v. Sign, Temporary - a Sign which is displayed for a limit- ed period of time only and which is typically associated with an activity or event of limited duration.
San Marcos Development Code Amended: September 1, 2020
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