San Marcos Development Code 9.1.2020
8 C H A P T E R
De nitions
208. Shared Parking Factor: an accounting for parking spaces that are available to more than one Use. See Table (Shared Parking Factor) and Section 209. Sharrow: also known as Shared Lane Marking in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, is a pavement marking indicating that motorists and cyclists share a travel lane. The Sharrow shall be placed so that the centers of the markings are at least 11 feet from the face of the curb, or from the edge of the pavement where there is no curb. 210. Shopfront: a Private Frontage type conventional for Retail Use, with substantial glazing and an awning, wherein the Facade is aligned close to the Frontage Line with the Building entrance at Sidewalk grade. See Table (Private Frontage). 211. Shrub: any self-supporting woody evergreen and/or decidu- ous species. 212. Sidewalk: a paved pedestrian way generally located within Public Thoroughfare Right-of-Way but outside the roadway. intersection of two Thoroughfares, formed by two lines measured a distance from 25 feet along the Curb Line of the Thoroughfares from their point of intersection and a third line connecting the two ends. 214. Sign: every device, Structure, frame, letter, figure, character, mark, plane, point, design, picture, stroke, stripe, projection, symbol, logo, trademark, or reading situated outdoors, or indoors affixed to a window, or located within 12 inches from a window facing the exterior, which is used, or intended to be used, to attract attention, convey information, identify or advertise any establishment, product, goods, or service when the same is placed in view of the off-Premises general public. The term Sign shall not include the flag or Pennant or insignia of any state, city or other political unit or of any charitable, educational, philanthropic, civic, or religious organization. The following are types of Signs: a. Sign, Address/Postal - A Sign that consists of a numeric reference to a Structure or Thoroughfare, mounted onto the Wall of the Building. b. Sign, Animated - any Sign that uses flashing lights, movement, changing of lighting, or any other means to 213. Sight Triangle: a triangle-shaped area Adjacent to the
depict motion, an illusion of motion, create a special effect or scene through the use of patterns of lights, changes in color or light intensity, computerized special effects, video displays or through any other method, including holographic displays, which create a three dimensional image through projection or television screens and which the message does not include a CEVM Sign as defined below in subsection (d) or a community information Sign. c. Sign, Attached - any Sign attached to, applied on or supported by any part of a Building or Accessory Struc- ture or moveable panels. d. Sign, Automatic Changing - a Sign which automatically changes the Sign Copy on a preprogrammed cycle through the use of illumination. e. Sign, Awning - An Awning that contains a Retail tenant Sign which may be painted, screen printed, or appli- queed on the Awning. This Sign type is a traditional Shopfront fitting and can be used to protect merchants’ wares and keep Shopfront interiors shaded and cooled, and provide temporary cover for pedestrians f. Sign, Band - A Sign that is flat against the Facade consisting of individual cut letters applied directly to the Building, or painted directly on the surface of the Building. These Signs are placed directly above the main entrance and often run horizontally along the entablature of traditional Buildings. Band Signs are typically intend- ed to be seen from a distance and are often accompa- nied by additional pedestrian-scaled Signage. May also be referred to as a Wall Sign or Facade Sign. g. Sign, Blade - A Sign mounted perpendicular to a Building Facade Wall, projecting at a 90-degree angle, made of metal or other material more than 1/2 inch in thickness, and typically hung from decorative cast or wrought iron brackets in a manner that permits it to swing slightly. These Signs are small, pedestrian scaled, and easily read from both sides. May also be referred to as a Projecting Sign. h. Sign, Changeable Electronic Variable Message (CVEM) - a Sign that is activated electronically or by other means, whose message, content, or display,
Amended: September 1, 2020 San Marcos Development Code
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