San Marcos Development Code 9.1.2020
8 C H A P T E R
De nitions
w. Sign, Wall Mural - a Sign which is flat against the Facade of a Secondary Frontage. These Signs are typically painted directly on the Building and contain a combination of text and graphic elements. They are intended to be visible from a greater distance and shall be accompanied by additional Signage on the primary front Facade at the business entrance. Billboards are not considered Wall Mural and are prohibited. x. Sign, Window Sign - Professionally painted Signs, consisting of individual letters and/or designs, applied directly on the inside of a window or door. These Signs offer a high level of craftsmanship and visibility, and are often used for small professional offices. Window Signs are often repeated on storefronts with several divided openings, however, repetition should be done with great care to ensure that the entrance to the business is clear- ly marked. Sign Band: external area of Building Facade designated for placement of horizontal Signage typically above the transom and below the second floor window. 215. Sign Permit: a City-issued permit that authorizes the display, Erection, rebuilding, expansion or relocation of any On-Prem- ises Sign or Off-Premises Sign. 216. Site: a tract of property that is the subject of Development or a Development Application. 217. Site Plan: a detailed plan showing the roads, parking, foot- prints of all Buildings, existing Trees, proposed landscaping, Parkland, Open Space, grading and Drainage, and similar features needed to verify compliance with the approved land use plan and Development standards. 218. Site Permit: a permit that is issued under Chapter 2, Article 7 of this Development Code that authorizes Site preparatory activities, other than Construction or placement of a Struc- ture on the land, under one or more Site Plans and that, upon approval, authorizes the property owner to apply for a Construction Permit.
Building, and which involves the consumption of alcoholic beverages and either of the following: a. The use of an amplified sound system indoors or outdoors which is audible from any property line of the Premises; or b. The occurrence of any group activity outside of en- closed Buildings. 221. Solid Waste: any garbage, refuse, sludge and other discard- ed materials, including solid, liquid, semisolid or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, municipal, com- mercial and agricultural operations and from community and institutional activities. 222. Space: with respect to a Manufactured Home Park, a plot of ground within such Manufactured Home Park designed for the accommodation of one Manufactured Home, together with required Open Space. This term also includes the terms “Lot”, “stand” and “Site”. Space may also mean any plot or parcel of ground upon which there is Erected any accom- modation for any Recreational Vehicle or Structures of a temporary nature for living and sleeping purposes. 223. Special Flood Hazard Area: a designation by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that may include the V (Velocity) Zones and Coastal A Zones where Building Construction is forbidden, restricted, or contingent upon raising to the Base Flood Elevation. 224. Special Requirements: requirements made applicable to Development pursuant to Section of this Develop- ment Code and/or the associated designations on a Regulat- ing Plan or other map for those provisions. 225. Start of Construction: includes substantial Improvement, and means the date the Building Permit was issued, provided the actual Start of Construction, Repair, Reconstruction, rehabilitation, Addition, placement or other Improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual start means either the first placement of permanent Construction of a Structure on a Site, including the pouring of slab or footings, the installation of piles, the Construction of columns or any work beyond the state of Excavation; or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent Construc- tion does not include land preparation, including clearing,
219. SMRC: the San Marcos River Corridor.
220. Social Function: any activity on an organization’s Premises at which the number of nonmembers in attendance exceeds the number of resident members of the Fraternity or Sorority
Amended: September 1, 2020 San Marcos Development Code
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