Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
PARKS , RECREAT ION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN SUMMARY The following is a summary of the existing Parks,
The Vision of the Parks, Recreation &
the City of San Marcos eligible for
Open Space Master Plan (the Parks
grant funding.
Master Plan) is to “Create a unified parks
In developing this plan, the Parks
and recreation system that serves the
and Recreation Department utilized
entire San Marcos community, supports
an outside consultant. Stakeholder
tourism efforts and remains a good
interviews were held, questionnaires,
Recreation & Open Space Master Plan. The
steward to the River and surrounding
park user intercept surveys were
priorities from this summary are not intended to
environment.” The goal topics of the
conducted and informal community
be assumed as priorities of Vision San Marcos:
plan include funding, maintenance,
meetings were scheduled to gain
A River Runs Through Us. As the objectives from
safety, programming, sustainability,
input from the community.
Vision San Marcos are implemented the Parks
environmental, tourism, connectivity,
Master Plan will need to be updated to align
parkland dedication and university.
with these objectives.
The City of San Marcos is home to
almost 50,000 residents and strives to be
a destination for tourism. The Parks and
Recreation Department created this plan
to establish a framework for a long-term,
successful park system. The preparation
of this plan following Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department guidelines makes
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