Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
gallons per day of treated water.
The remaining 13% of the City’s
The City operates five fire stations
The City obtains untreated surface
water usage is supplied by eight
and a central police station. There
water from the Guadalupe River
city-owned wells drawing water
is a city hall complex with four
through a pipeline operated by the
from the Edwards Aquifer.
buildings located on East Hopkins
Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority
Street with additional administrative
(GBRA). The original source of
buildings scattered around the
the surface water for this river is
city. Across Hopkins Street from
Canyon Lake however water is
the City Hall complex, the city
drawn from Lake Dunlap. Owned
operates a public library. The San
by the City of San Marcos, the
Marcos Electric Utility is housed
Surface Water Treatment Plant is
at a complex on Hwy. 123 which
operated under contract by GBRA
includes administration, warehouse,
and produces approximately 87%
billing and open storage areas. The
of the water used by the City’s
City also owns a general aviation
customers. The plant has 21 million
airport; San Marcos Municipal
gallons per day (MGD) treatment
Airport managed by Texas Aviation
capacity, 9 million gallons per
day of which are for The City of
San Marcos. The City currently
produces an average of 7.6 million
Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us pg 93
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