Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
Low Intensity and all of the neighborhood
change the way people live. These factors create
protection/conservation areas provide
pressures that change the way land is used. The
The preferred scenario map and the land
more stability.
purpose of planning is to anticipate and shape
use intensity matrix do not explicitly address
Both the map and the matrix are
this change in a way that provides opportunities
zoning. Land in the preferred scenario is
generalized tools used to guide
for new development and redevelopment
divided into two broad categories. The first
development and amendments to the City’s
while preserving the community’s cultural and
category includes intensity zones where
Land Development Code. The preferred
environmental heritage. A comprehensive plan
change in use is anticipated by the plan.
scenario is not a zoning map. This fact is
articulates the community’s vision for the future;
The second category includes areas of
emphasized in Section 213.005 of the Texas
zoning and other regulatory and budget tools
relative stability where changes in use are
Local Government Code:
implement that community vision. It follows ,
not recommended by the plan. The map
A map of a comprehensive plan shall
therefore that the first question in any zoning
locates low, medium and high intensity
contain the following clearly visible
case should be, “Does this request comply with
zones and the matrix describes the zones
statement: “A comprehensive plan shall not
the comprehensive plan?” The plan’s goals, the
by development type: new development,
constitute zoning regulations or establish
preferred scenario map and the matrix provide
redevelopment/infill, and neighborhood
zoning district boundaries”
and area protection/conservation. The
Zoning is conservative in nature and has
first level of guidance.
matrix lists recommended uses and building
a bias towards maintaining the status quo.
types for each intensity zone/development
Growing cities, though, are not static;
type pair. High and Medium Intensity/New
new residents move in, new businesses
Development and Redevelopment pairs
are established and new technologies
are areas where change is anticipated.
Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us pg 83
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