Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
THE RELAT IONSHI P OF THE PREFERRED SCENAR IO TO CI TY OPERAT IONS The preferred scenario is intended to be a
preferred scenario will be utilized to
guide day to day decisions of the City
This Plan and the preferred scenario will be used
Departments. The preferred scenario
to incorporate and score capital improvements
is a recommendation from the public,
projects and other public planning and
adopted by City Council which supports
development decisions. The Capital Improvements
development in the intensity zones and
Plan (CIP) is a multi-year schedule for the
guide for planning and development through
guides future economic development
construction or substantial renovation of public
the intensity matrix and updates to the City’s
decisions supporting industrial, office park
facilities such as libraries, recreation centers,
Land Development Code. It is important to
and commercial uses in the employment
utility expansion and roads. It is a link between
note that it is inevitable that development
the annual budget and the comprehensive plan.
will occur outside the preferred scenario
Aligning the CIP with the preferred scenario is
intensity zones and not all the development
essential to the successful implementation of the
proposed for the zones will actually occur.
comprehensive plan.
The preferred scenario will also not impact
existing entitlements and any zoning based
on the preferred scenario will follow
standard procedures for public hearing and
Along with the intensity matrix and an
updated Land Development Code, the
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