Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
33,000 and a retail increase of
A land use intensity matrix was also
be user friendly and incorporate the
1,000,000 square feet. The incremental
developed during the design rodeo to
ideas discussed during the many
population increases came from the Texas
differentiate uses and intensities for the
Committee meetings.
State Data Center’s projections and the
development and redevelopment areas, as
retail increment was based on existing
well as for the neighborhood preservation/
retail square foot per capita figures for
conservation areas. MODELING
San Marcos. Employment for the purposes
of transportation modeling came from
Following the completion of the Data
the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning
Collection and Design Rodeo phases, the
Organization with adjustments based on
consulting engineers and scientists began
the location of the retail increases.
working on the Travel Demand Model,
Each scenario was tested to determine its
Water Quality Model and Fiscal Impact
environmental, transportation and financial
impacts and how well each fit with the
PLAN PRODUCTION Staff, in coordination with consultants,
Citizen Advisory Committee and Steering
Committee visions and goals. Public input
drafted this document. A Drafting Task
was gathered each night and used for the
Force composed of members from the
next day’s design work. By the end of the
Citizen’s Advisory Committee and Steering
week, testing, refining and public input
Committee reviewed the document to
resulted in a final preferred scenario map.
ensure the plan would
Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us pg 29
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