Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
Participants were presented a map of
tables of participants took part in the
San Marcos and its ETJ depicting cultural
two half-day sessions and created nine
and environmental data from the land use
different scenarios. Luckens, TBG Partners,
The centerpiece of the planning process
suitability study conducted earlier in the
and Planning and Development Services
was a three week period during which the
process. Participants were also provided
staff identified common themes and
Growth and Preservation Allocation (GPA)
sets of Legos scaled to the map. The
created two scenarios used in the design
workshops and Design Rodeo occurred.
sets included Legos representing 300
rodeo. In addition to the scenarios derived
The GPA allowed citizens to create their
persons at different residential densities
from public input, a trends scenario was
own growth scenario for the City. The
sufficient to house 33,000 people, and
created by staff.
design rodeo tested these scenarios
retail Legos representing centers of
Three scenarios were presented to the
resulting in the preferred scenario. All of
different square footage totaling one
public at the design rodeo and were
the activities were designed to encourage
million square feet. Participants were
tested in terms of their environmental,
active participation by stakeholders and
instructed to first identify preservation
transportation and fiscal impacts. One
areas and then place all of the Legos
scenario analyzed an urban core/
general public.
where they wanted new development
infill orientation, one a multi-center
On August 29, 2012 two half-day public
and redevelopment to occur. Finally they
orientation and one trend scenario that
workshops were conducted, during which
were asked to draw in transportation
extrapolated current development trends
a “chip exercise” was conducted to
facilities to serve the new development
out to the 2035 plan horizon date. All
allow attendees to specify the growth
and redevelopment and to improve the
three scenarios assumed a 2010-2035
and preservation areas they preferred.
existing transportation situation. Nine
population increase of approximately
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