Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
CONSULTANTS INCLUDED: THE TEXAS DATA CENTER Demographic analysis and population projections to 2035 for San Marcos and its ETJ LUCKENS PLANNING CONSULTANTS Process and plan development and project management
RPS ESPEY Environmental science support during the design rodeo, Land use suitability analysis and mapping CEG DESIGNED SOLUTIONS Plan production and graphic support SOCIAL MEDIA SISTERS Online media and public involvement
As noted above, Council directed staff
to produce the plan in-house with the
TBG PARTNERS Design support during the design rodeo
assistance of consultants.
GROUP SOLUTIONS RJW Public Involvement
Use of the design rodeo concept
DHIRU ARCHITECTS design rodeo facilitation
and the small size of the planning
Fiscal impact modeling and GIS services were not contracted. The City of San Marcos Finance Department created a fiscal impact model for the design rodeo and City of San Marcos Development Services Department provided GIS support though out the process.
staff required bringing in consultants
PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF Transportation facilities analysis and
to accomplish technical tasks. Other
transportation planning support during the design rodeo and modeling of land use and transportation scenarios MEADOWS CENTER FOR WATER AND THE ENVIRONMENT Environmental science support during the design rodeo and water quality baseline data and modeling
consultants were brought in for
specialized data collection and analysis
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