Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
The City-sponsored workshops that brought
worked to combine all three exercises into
together the “Core-4” group including
an integrated vision. The vision statements
representatives of Hays County, the San
were approved by Planning and Zoning
While the initial programming and
Marcos Independent School District,
Commission and were adopted by the
scheduling for the comprehensive plan
Texas State University, and the City.
Council on June 5, 2012.
began in February of 2012, public input
These workshops focused on economic
for Vision San Marcos actually began
development and workforce development.
in September 2010 with the Dream San
The output from these workshops was
Marcos visioning process. Dream San
a report outlining specific strategies
Marcos was a process comprised of
regarding infrastructure, workforce and
three parts: the crowd sourcing exercise;
community character issues as well as
the Core-4 Collaboration Report and the
recommendations for collaborative action
visioning workshops which were utilized as
to implement the strategies.
the basis for Vision San Marcos.
The two half-day public visioning workshops
The yearlong web-based crowd sourcing
were held on April 21, 2012 and focused
exercise gathered input regarding
on the development of vision statements to
planning-related challenges and
guide development of the plan elements.
opportunities. Over 360 individuals
Following completion of the public
participated in the crowd sourcing exercise
visioning workshops, the Citizen Advisory
and provided critical input to the visioning
Committee and the Steering Committee
phase of the Plan.
Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us pg 25
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