San Marcos Design Manual (March 16, 2021)


Planting Guidelines

Section D.1.2.2 Assumptions and Limiting Conditions


A. No responsibility is assumed by the City of San Marcos for matters legal in character regarding this Division. Any legal description that may be provided is assumed to be correct. Care has been taken to obtain reasonable information from reliable sources for this Division. Visual aids within this data for construction. This Division has been crafted to conform with current standards of care, best management practices, evaluation and appraisal procedures, diagnostic and repor ting techniques and sound arboricultural practices as recommended by the sources listed in the Resources section. Section D.1.2.3 Recommended Location Standards Division, such as sketches, diagrams, graphs, photos, are not necessarily to scale and should not be construed as engineered

Section D.1.2.1 Introduction

A. Purpose. The Recommended Practices identified throughout this Division are not mandatory, but provide additional proactive measures for the care of trees, such as fer tilizing, reducing a tree hazard, protection from specific disturbances or procedures for planting trees on problem sites. B. Conditions of Approval. A recommended practice may be required if it is so specified within the ‘conditions of approval’ for a development project or mitigation for injury or disturbance. C. Discretion. In all cases, the Director of Planning or Urban Forester shall, if justified by changing field conditions such as conflict with utilities, have discretion to modify, redesignate or add to any condition, practice or standard mentioned within the Manual.

A. General. The below exhibit demonstrates general recommended planting location standards.


Amended: March 16, 2021 San Marcos Design Manual

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