San Marcos Design Manual (March 16, 2021)



Planting Guidelines

Article 1: Planting Guidelines

a. Non-plant groundcover material adjacent to or within public right-of-way, sidewalks, and pedestrian pathways must be a minimum of 2 inches in size. b. Decomposed and crushed granite, road base, pine mulch, pine bark, pecan shells, wood chips, and any other material that has fines in it or is easily displaced during rain events are not allowed adjacent to or within public right-of-way, sidewalks, and pedestrian pathways. c. If hardwood mulch, decomposed granite, or other material with fines in it are proposed as par t of a landscape plan, the material must be contained within the landscape bed through the use of metal or mor tared edging or raised curbs. The metal or mor tared edging and curbs must be raised a minimum of 3 inches above the material. d. Medium colored stone, such as beige or light grey is preferred over white stone, which causes glare, or black, which absorbs heat. E. Resources. The following resources will provide additional information on tree species and planting criteria:


A. Purpose. The purpose of these general requirements is to provide information about trees and other landscape items which are suitable for the City of San Marcos. B. Tree Size. Tree species range in size and are typically classified into 3 categories: small, medium, and large: 1. Small / Understory / Ornamental Trees range to 20 feet in height. They can also be referred to as “Understory Trees”. 2. Medium / Shade Trees range from 20 to 40 feet in height. They can also be referred to as “Shade Trees”. 3. Large / Shade trees are 40 feet and greater in height. They can also be referred to as “Shade Trees”.

Texas A&M Forest Service Texas Tree Planting Guide University of Florida Tree Selection Specifications http://hor

James Urban, FASLA Soil Testing Tools and Soil Volumes for Trees

C. Trees Near Utility Lines

1. Only small trees (Understory Trees) should be planted under City overhead utility lines. The Landscaping / Mitigation Tree list, in Division 2 on the following pages, designates several small trees which may be utilized.

Texas Oak Wilt Pruning Prevention Guidelines

City of Palo Alto Tree Technical Manual ments/6436

D. Xeriscape / Non-Plant Groundcover Materials

1. The use of non-plant groundcover materials such as crushed granite, limestone, and rocks may be incorporated into landscape plans with the following standards:


San Marcos Design Manual Amended: March 16, 2021

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