Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan

Some tools have also been developed as


the zoning decision and for zoning conditions.

part of the comprehensive planning process

In many cases, the plan, as presented, will

Traffic impacts can be estimated through traffic

to help answer the question of compliance.

be sufficient to guide zoning. The hard work

impact analyses and the impacts of larger

They include the preferred scenario map,

of zoning and rezoning land for sites that are

projects can be estimated with the travel

the land use intensity matrix, the land use

in transition areas between intensity zones

demand model. Environmental suitability can

suitability map, the travel demand model

will often require tools that are more precise

be determined through the land use suitability

and the water quality model. It is important

than the general guidance provided by the

map prepared as part of the comprehensive

to note that these tools become less

comprehensive plan tools. In transitional areas

planning process. Water quality-related

effective guides as sites become smaller

at the edges of neighborhoods, another level

environmental impacts can be estimated with

and especially in transitional areas. An

of analysis will be required. It is recommended

the water quality model. Some projects may

understanding of the relationship between

that finely grained neighborhood character

require submission of an environmental

the preferred scenario and zoning is

studies drawn at a scale not possible in this

impact analysis.

essential for these situations.

comprehensive planning process be conducted.

Drainage, water and wastewater availability

The land use intensity matrix includes

The neighborhood character studies can also

impacts also need to be addressed. Some

detailed recommended land uses and

be used to identify those areas that will require

projects may require service extension

building types for each development

specialized site development standards. There

requests or upgrades to facilities. Engineering

zone/development type pair. A proposed

will also be situations in which intensity, instead

is typically deferred to the subdivision or site

rezoning that is in conformance with the

of specific use, will be the issue. These situations

plan stage.

preferred scenario map and the intensity

will call for the objective analysis of impacts.

Zoning is a discretionary act on the part of

matrix would be in conformance with the

Impact analyses can be used as the basis for

the City Council. That discretion is limited,

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