Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
CURRENT The East Village is a growth area toward which the City has been progressively expanding in recent years. Its north boundary is defined by the greenspace surrounding Cottonwood Creek, and the southern boundary extends just beyond McCarty Lane and Rattler. Currently, the East Village contains two of San Marcos’s newest public schools, San Marcos High School and James Bowie Elementary. Its primary residential area is the Cottonwood Creek subdivision, which contains single-family housing. East Village also contains areas currently zoned for commercial and industrial uses around the two very promising intersections of Old Bastrop and Hwy 123, as well as Clovis Barker and Hwy 123. Much of the property in the East Village has yet to be included within city limits and is therefore not currently zoned.
FUTURE VISION As the site of San Marcos’ only high school, as well as an elementary school, this area has a high potential for growth. Designated as a Medium Intensity Zone, with an activity node centered around the intersection of Old Bastrop and Hwy 123, East Village will boast a mix of commercial, retail, and service oriented activity. This area will offer a variety of residential options including single family homes, duplexes, townhomes, and small multifamily projects. Some multifamily projects combined with commercial will result in vertical mixed use in the activity node. Since the area is largely on undeveloped property at the edge of town, it will become a mixed use gateway into the city, which will welcome visitors from Seguin and beyond.
Medical District Medium Intensity
Barnes Dr
Clovis Barker Rd
McCart y Ln
§ ¨ ¦ 35
FM 110
SanMarcos HighSchool
Cerro Vista Dr
EastVillage Medium Intensity
Rattler Rd
Cottonwood CreekPark
Mr Pete Rd
Centerpoint Rd
Master's School
Old Bastrop Hwy
Horace Howard Dr CharacterDistrict3 CharacterDistrict4 CharacterDistrict5
Enhanced TransportationMasterPlanStreets OtherFeatures Proposed
Boulevard Avenue Parkway Highway Street
Boulevard Avenue Parkway Street
Proposed&Enhanced Greenways
Posey Rd LandUseCorridor
EmploymentCorridor MixedUseCorridor
Feet N
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