Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
The city boasts seven locally designated
Mixed Use 3%
Industrial 6%
historic districts: Belvin Street, Burleson
Commercial 14%
Street, Downtown, Dunbar, Hopkins
Street, Lindsey-Rogers, and San Antonio
Street. The Belvin Street Historic District
was listed in the National Register of
Historic Places in 1983. The Downtown
Residential 29%
Historic District was also listed in the
Existing Land Use
National Register of Historic Places
in 1992, and is anchored by the Hays
County Courthouse. The list of nationally
Public & Institutional 22%
registered historic districts could be
expanded as many neighborhoods
are close to meeting age criteria to
be listed, such as the Spring Lake Hills
Vacant 26%
Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us pg 67
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