Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan


other stakeholders in the Edwards Aquifer

a development pattern derived from the

Recovery Implementation Program to ensure

Design Rodeo. The Meadows Center

that incidental take (as defined by the

The Meadows Center for Water Quality and

also modeled existing land use and land

Endangered Species Act) of threatened or

the Environment at Texas State University

cover conditions to establish baseline

endangered species will be minimized and

performed water quality modeling of

conditions of existing development.

mitigated. The WQPP seeks to undertake a

subwatersheds in the area covered by

The modeled trend and preferred

proactive, integrated planning approach

Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through

scenarios reflect soil and land use

to urban stormwater management. This

Us. The modeling was conducted to provide

conditions and do not reflect any

approach is intended to protect property

information on the potential effects of

existing or future water quality

and aquatic ecosystems while at the same

increased impervious cover resulting from

features, best management practices

time accommodating land development.

new development.

or low impact development practices.

The plan will seek to develop and

Two scenarios were modeled: the trend

Furthermore, the future scenarios

implement plans and policies that reduce,

scenario and preferred scenario. Both the

do not reflect the current regulatory

treat, and control stormwater runoff as close

trend and preferred scenarios spatially

requirements for development over the

to the

distribute the additional 33,000 people

Edwards Aquifer or the San Marcos

source as possible.

and one million square feet of retail space

River Corridor. The water quality analysis

projected for San Marcos and its ETJ for

is intended to provide results for

2035. The trend scenario represents a

continuation of current development patterns

while the preferred scenario is the vision for

Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us pg 63

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