Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
L AND USE SUI TAB I L I TY An environmental constraint map was
Endangered and Threatened
resident species. The Texas Commission on
Species, Floodplains, Priority
Environmental Quality, Hays County, the
Watersheds, Sensitive Feature
Edwards Aquifer Authority and the City of
Protection Zone, Slopes, Soils,
created for the City of San Marcos and
San Marcos all regulate development in the
Vegetation and Water Quality Zone
the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) by
Edwards Aquifer recharge zone.
/ Water Quality
the consulting firm RPS Espey. This map
Air quality in San Marcos meets Federal Air
Buffer Zone.
is referred to as the Land Use Suitability
Quality Standards. During the 2012 “Ozone
Map and was developed as a tool to
Season” (April – November), The Capital
identify areas within the planning area
Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG)
that are best suited to accommodate
operated an air quality monitoring station
growth in an environmentally sensitive
in San Marcos on Staples Road. The data
manner. Ten classes of variables
collected showed an improvement from
including regulatory constraints,
2011. There are no year-round air quality
environmentally sensitive features and
monitoring stations which accurately reflect
important cultural sites were mapped
conditions in San Marcos.
and assigned a weight on a scale of 1
to 5 with 5 being the most constrained
and 1 being the least constrained.
The ten classes of variables included:
Cultural Resources, Edwards Aquifer,
Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us pg 61
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