Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
Mayor Guerrero and Members of the City Council,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who was involved in the creation of Vision
San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us, especially the members of the Steering Committee and
Citizen’s Advisory Committee. Their dedication and countless hours of diligent labor have resulted
in a remarkable plan for the City of San Marcos.
The Planning and Zoning Commission conducted three public hearings to receive comments on the
document. At the final public hearing on March 26, 2013 all public comments were positive and
the Commission recommended approval of the plan presented by staff with minor changes that
incorporated comments presented by citizens.
Submitted to you with consensus for approval from the public, the Comprehensive Plan Committees
and the Planning and Zoning Commission – Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us – a
plan to guide the growth and development of the City while maintaining our quality of life and
cherished natural resources.
Bill Taylor
Chair, Planning and Zoning Commission, and Chair, Steering Committee
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