Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
T h e v i s i o n i n g p r o c e s s
goals for the plan elements based on the
began in September 2010 with Dream
vision statements. Goal statements ouline
San Marcos and continued into 2012
general needs necessary to achieve the
with Vision San Marcos: A River Runs
visions. At the conclusion of the goal-setting
Through Us. The Comprehensive Plan
workshops, the Committees presented
Steering Committee and Citizens Advisory
the goals to the Planning and Zoning
Committee worked with public input from
Commission and were adopted by the
these processes to create an integrated
Council on August 22, 2012.
vision for the overall plan. The vision
Following the adoption of the goals and
statements paint a picture of the future
the Design Rodeo, the Committees began
of San Marcos. Following completion of
outlining objectives. These objectives are
the web-based crowd sourcing exercise,
specific, measurable and achievable
the Core-4 Collaboration Report and
actions required to reach the goals. During
public workshops, the vision statements
the discussions many tasks were also
were approved by Planning and Zoning
identified that will be assigned to various
Commission and were adopted by the
city departments to achieve these objectives
Council on June 5, 2012.
and ultimately the goals of the plan.
In May of 2012, the Comprehensive Plan
Steering Committee and Citizens Advisory
Committee began the process of setting
Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us pg 33
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