Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
developed and in March was presented to the
City Council. The presentation recommended
At the beginning of the process development
the appointment of a Steering Committee and
phase, it was decided that the best way to
Citizen Advisory Committee and the use of a
complete the plan within the one-year deadline
weeklong land use and transportation Design
was by using a land use and transportation
Rodeo to test alternative development scenarios.
Steering Committee: Front row, L-R: Dan Stauffer, Jerry Borcherding, Chair Bill Taylor, Mayor Daniel Guerrero, Joe Cox, and Council Member John Thomaides; Back row: Chris Wood, Nancy Nusbaum, Vice Chair Donna Hill, Council Member Ryan Thomason and Rosina Valle
design charrette (the Design Rodeo). The design
The Steering Committee was to provide oversight
rodeo brought together key stakeholders to
to the process and, along with the Citizen
create a preferred scenario from a variety of
Advisory Committee, put key stakeholders
alternatives using an iterative process within
directly into plan development and the design
a short time. An early discussion of Council’s
rodeo. Council accepted the recommendations
expectations for the plan led to the realization
on March 6, 2012 and appointed committee
that they did not want a consultant-driven plan
members on April 3, 2012. While the plan was to
with an generic future land use map. They
have a strong land use and transportation focus,
Citizen Advisory Commettee: Front row, L-R: Rodney VanOudekerke, Kate McCarty, Jim Garber, Dianne Wassenich, Fraye Stokes, and Anna Carbajal; Middle Row: Bob Sappington, Tom Roach, Co-Vice Chair Lisa Prewitt, Chair Jane Hughson, Debbie Harvey, Angie Ramirez, Nancy Moore and David Case; Back Row: Kevin Carswell, Co-Vice Chair Betsy Robertson, Shawn Ash, Mason Murphy, Jim Pendergast and Billy Lee Windham
preferred a dynamic plan based on a consensus
the process included development of other
public vision and a set of tools to guide land
plan elements.
use and transportation decision making towards
achieving that vision.
By the end of February 2012, a generalized
outline of the process and of the plan was
Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us pg 23
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