Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
The Charter also discusses the role of the Planning
focus on the environment, land use, neighborhoods
and Zoning Commission in updating this plan. Article
and downtown redevelopment. They differ in that the
VII, Section 7.05 states: “The commission shall have
Vision is a concise document which was created for
the power and be required to perform an ongoing
everyday users. The document includes summaries of
review of the master plan, with each element of the
technical data and tools needed to make land use
plan being reviewed at least once each three (3)
and transportation related decisions. Unlike Horizons,
years; conduct an annual public hearing in connection
the Vision provides all of the technical data in the
with this review; and submit not less than one hundred
addendum where it can be referenced when needed.
twenty(120) days prior to the beginning of the fiscal
Horizons, like many planning documents from the
year, a list of recommended changes, if any, in the
mid-90’s, is lengthy and contains all of the technical
master plan.” Currently, the City of San Marcos is
data within its various chapters. Vision San Marcos: A
operating under a Comprehensive Plan (Horizons)
River Runs Through Us is more than just an update to
which was adopted on February 26, 1996. The
the Horizons plan, which was progressive in its day. It
Horizons Plan has not been reviewed in accordance
truly is a new vision of the future of the City, taking into
with the charter in many years. Since plan adoption
consideration changes and current conditions.
in 1996, many changes have occurred within the city;
populations, land area and the number of students
at Texas State University have all increased. Vision
San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us, differs in style
and content from the Horizons Plan. They share a
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