Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
A r c h a e o l o g i c a l e v i d e n c e indicates that people have inhabited the area
Railroads through San Marcos in 1880, and the opening
of Southwest Texas State Normal School (now Texas
around San Marcos Springs for over 12,000 years.
State University-San Marcos) in 1903 Five years later the
Fertile soils, a constant water supply, and abundant
San Marcos Baptist Academy began operation on what
game provided the setting for possibly the oldest
is now the western end of the Texas State campus.
continually occupied site in North America. Artifacts
The tourism industry began in 1928 with the construction
discovered at San Marcos Springs indicate that
of the Spring Lake Hotel by A B Rogers near the
the Clovis culture Native Americans were the first
headwaters of the San Marcos River. The first glass
inhabitants of the area. They were followed in
bottom boat, designed to give visitors a chance to “view
later years by the Tonkawa, Lipan, Apache, and
the beautiful marine garden” in Spring Lake, began
Comanche Native Americans. Native American
operation in 1947. Texas State University’s acquisition
tribes and Spanish settlers still struggled for control
of Aquarena Springs in 1994 marked a shift in emphasis
of the area at the turn of the 19th century; long after
from a “theme park” to one of “ecotourism.” In the early
Spanish explorer Alfonso De Leon had named the
1990s, the Tanger Outlet Mall and San Marcos Factory
San Marcos River on April 25, 1689 (Saint Mark’s
Outlet Mall (now Prime Outlets) became another major
day). The City of San Marcos was founded in 1844
draw for tourism.
by General Edward Burleson, and the original San
Marcos streets were laid out seven years later.
The permanence of the town was secured with the
extension of the International and Great Northern
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