Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan
V i s i o n S a n Ma r c o s : A R i v e r R u n s Th r o u g h U s .
Institution with increasingly strong
regional and national status, a distinct
asset to our community.
A bold plan with boundless ideas
Diligence, commitment and our
diligently selected by the community,
pledge to follow and implement the
business leaders and city officials as
a gift to the future generations of San
plan as described in the document
Marcos. This plan is a deliberate
are the duties of elected of ficials,
and intentional investment in building
staf f and the communit y. Citizens,
economic success and stability for our
business leaders and cit y of ficials
citizens. It will create an enhanced built
are charged with oversight of the
environment interwoven with nature.
Plan; we owe this to the past and
We are conscious of preserving our
future residents of San Marcos. Our
rich historical past and will pursue future
success will be measured by the
cultural enrichment.
health and vitalit y of our citizens
San Marcos is a community committed
and the strength of our local
to providing economic stability through
workforce enhancement and educational
excellence. We are the home of Texas
State University, an Emerging Research
Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us pg 11
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