Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan


in the preferred scenario. The

an update to its transportation

2017 Transportaion Master Plan

plan. That plan further defines the

The 2035 Proposed Roadway

incorporated these roads. The Land

future roadway network.

Network represents generalized

Use Corridors on the preferred

In addition to reducing vehicular

alignments of roads that were used

scenario should be considered as

traffic, the Citizen’s Advisory

in the Travel Demand Model. The

a conceptual tool that will guide

Committee listed some topics

model indicated that this or a similar

development along the Cities major

that should be incorporated into

network of major roads would be

transportation network. Roadway

the scope of developing the

necessary to serve the developments

alignment will follow the standard,

transportation plan update. These

and often lengthy, technical

include the promotion of low cost

analysis and public process at

operational improvements such

a time when the City, County or

as signal timing and adding turn

TxDOT determines a project is

lanes. The committee showed an

ready for development.

interest in reducing the occurrence

Following adoption of Vision San

of cul-de-sacs and dead end

Marcos: A River Runs Through Us

streets to address connectivity and

and all of the tools, including the

create a grid street design for new

preferred scenario, the City initiated

developments. A major focus of

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