Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan


in the future.

for intensity zones and activity nodes but

The travel demand model indicated

not employment centers. Both the vehicle

that approximately 30% of roadways

miles traveled and the vehicle hours

The City of San Marcos utilized the

in San Marcos experience high levels

traveled were lower for the preferred

services of a consultant to create a

of congestion during the morning

scenario. Coupled with targeted roadway

Travel Demand Model for roadways in

peak hours. These roads include RR

improvements, the City of San Marcos will

the city and its ETJ. The travel demand

12, Hopkins Street, Highway 123,

be able to alleviate some of the burden

model uses estimated household and

portions of Interstate 35, and to a

drivers experience due to delays.

employment data to test the ability

lesser degree – Highway 21. The

of the roadway network to handle

accompanying report recommends

existing and future population and

targeting these roadways for

employment increases. The model

improvements to ensure that drivers

from the Capital Area Metropolitan

are not subject to additional delays

Planning Organization (CAMPO) was

as additional development occurs.

used as the basis for the city model

The travel demand model was

with modifications specific to San

used to demonstrate the impacts of

Marcos. Utilizing the CAMPO model

development on the roadway network

ensures that data from CAMPO and

for both the trend scenario and the

San Marcos is compatible and can be

preferred scenario. Population and


employment figures were modeled

Vision San Marcos: A River Runs Through Us pg 103

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