San Marcos Development Code (effective November 3, 2021)
3 C H A P T E R
Section Acceptance of Improvements for Land in Extraterritorial Jurisdiction A. Where the facilities to be constructed under the subdivision improvement agreement are located within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, and are to be dedicated to the county in which the land is located, the Responsible Official shall inform the county that the public improvements have been constructed in accordance with approved public improvement construction plans, and are ready for acceptance by the county.
agreement and posting of security to complete the public improvements serving the tract.
Section Inspections
A. Inspection shall be in accordance with Section
Section Acceptance of Improvements
A. The Responsible Official shall accept the improvements on behalf of the City upon receipt of a close out package including: 1. A covenant to warranty the required public improvements for a period of one year following acceptance by the City of all required public improvements; 2. A maintenance bond in the amount of twenty (20) percent of the costs of the improvements for such period; and 3. A detailed “as-built” record drawing in conformance with the technical manual, recorded copies of any easements not shown on the plat, and any other information necessary to establish that the public improvements have been built in accordance with the approved construction plans. B. Acceptance of the improvements shall mean that the proper ty owner has transferred all rights to all the public improvements to the City for use and maintenance. C. The Responsible Official may accept dedication of a por tion of the required public improvements, provided adequate surety has been given for the completion of all of other improvements. D. Upon acceptance of the required public improvements, the Responsible Official shall issue a cer tificate to the proper ty owner stating that all required public improvements have been satisfactorily completed. Section Disclaimer A. Approval or recordation of a preliminary or final subdivision plat or final development plat shall not constitute acceptance of any of the public improvements required to serve the subdivision or development. No public improvements shall be accepted for dedication by the City except in accordance with this Section.
Amended: November 3, 2021 San Marcos Development Code
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