San Marcos Development Code (effective November 3, 2021)
Development Procedures
of this Ar ticle for a determination whether historic age resources are affected before the application may be approved and a permit issued.
4. Full payment of any applicable impact fees payable under City Code Chapter 86; 5. Where a change of use in an existing structure is proposed, the use conforms to the use regulations governing the proper ty; 6. The structure, following inspection by the Building Official, was built in conformity with all applicable standards and requirements of this Development Code, all standards and requirements of each applicable development application and any granted deviation, and the building code, as incorporated in the City Code of Ordinances, as may be modified from time to time. 8. When the proper ty lies within a special flood zone, the structure is in compliance with Chapter 39 and FEMA standards as applicable. Section Expiration and Extension and Revocation A. Expiration. A construction permit expires in accordance with Codes adopted under Chapter 14 of the City Code. B. Extension and Reinstatement. A construction permit may be extended in accordance with the Codes adopted under Chapter 14 of the City Code. C. Revocation of Permit. The Responsible Official may institute proceedings to revoke a construction permit under Section 7. All outstanding permit requirements have been addressed.
C. Effect. Approval of a construction permit authorizes the proper ty owner to construct, demolish, alter or place the structure on the lot, tract or parcel in accordance with the terms of the permit. 1. Approval of a cer tificate of occupancy authorizes habitation, occupancy, or use of the structure, in accordance with the terms of the cer tificate.
(Ord. No. 2019-41, 11-19-19)
Section Application Requirements
A. General Requirements. An application for a construction permit shall be submitted in accordance with the universal application procedures in Section B. An application for a construction permit shall demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this Development Code and City Code. Section Approval Process A. Responsible Official Action. The Responsible Official shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny a construction permit based on the standards included in this Development Code and City Code subject to appeal as provided in Section Section Criteria for Approval A. The Responsible Official shall apply the following criteria in deciding the application for a construction permit: 1. The application generally conforms to all prior approved development applications for the proper ty and any applicable deviation granted from the standards otherwise applicable to the permit; 2. The structure and the location of the structure on the proper ty is in accordance with all prior approved development applications; 3. The proposed plan for construction, demolition, alteration or placement conforms to the building code and other applicable construction codes adopted by the City;
San Marcos Development Code Amended: November 3, 2021
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