San Marcos Development Code (effective November 3, 2021)
Supplemental Development Standards
Section Sign
Description A sign other than an outdoor display case which is mounted on one or more freestanding supports, such as a frame, column, mast, pole or similar support such that the bottom of the sign face or lowest sign module is not in contact with the ground. Dimensions ND-4, CD-4 N-CM, CD-5, CD-5D Quantity (max) 1 per lot 1 per lot Area (max) 12 sq. ft. 18 sq. ft. Height (max) 6 ft. 10 ft. Location Restrictions applicable to CD-5D: Pole signs are permitted only on S. L B J Dr. and S. Guadalupe St. between E. Grove St. and I-35 Frontage St.
Pole signs are permitted where an existing building does not meet the build-to requirements of this development code or if approved through an alternative compliance request where consistent with the design manual.
Location Restrictions applicable to CD-5, N-CM:
Requirements General to All Zones:
All pole signs shall be located within the 1st Lot Layer.
A pole Sign is not allowed if there is a monument Sign on the Lot.
San Marcos Development Code Amended: November 3, 2021
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