San Marcos Development Code (effective November 3, 2021)



Supplemental Development Standards

b. Tube Lighting. Neon or LED tube lighting where tubes are bent to form letters, skeleton tubing, outline lighting, border tubing, symbols or other ar t forms. c. Halo Lighting. Lighting where the source of the illumination is reflected by a solid panel at the front of the sign illuminating the surface behind the letters, symbol or other ar t forms. Typically used with reverse channel letters. d. Direct Illumination. A method of sign illumination using individual bulbs or other lighting elements to form the alphabetic or numeric characters or graphic elements of the sign. Light from the bulbs does not shine through a translucent material.

C. Specific to CD-5D

1. Signage shall be externally illuminated, except as follows:

a. Signage within the shopfront glazing may be neon or LED lit. b. Tube Lighting. Neon or LED tube lighting where tubes are bent to form letters, skeleton tubing, outline lighting, border tubing, symbols or other ar t forms. c. Halo Lighting. Lighting where the source of the illumination is reflected by a solid panel at the front of the sign illuminating the surface behind the letters, symbol or other ar t forms. Typically used with reverse channel letters. d. Direct Illumination. A method of sign illumination using individual bulbs or other lighting elements to form the alphabetic or numeric characters or graphic elements of the sign. Light from the bulbs does not shine through a translucent material.

e. Internally Lit Channel Letters

Section Sign Types A. Specific Sign Type


Awning or Canopy Sign: An awning or canopy that contains a retail tenant sign. This sign type is a traditional shopfront fitting and can be used to keep shopfront interiors shaded and cooled, and provide temporary cover for pedestrians.

Wall Sign: A sign that is flat against the facade consisting of individual cut letters applied directly to the building, or painted directly on the surface of the building. Wall signs are located within a single external sign band typically applied to the first story facade of each building.

Blade/ Hanging Sign: A sign mounted perpendicular to a building facade wall, projecting at a 90-degree angle, or hanging from an awning, canopy or gallery. These signs are small, pedestrian-scaled, and easily read from both sides while walking down the sidewalk.


San Marcos Development Code Amended: November 3, 2021

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