San Marcos Development Code (effective November 3, 2021)

7 C H A P T E R

Supplemental Development Standards

a. Proximate placement of the stormwater facility to the principal structure; b. Provision of pedestrian access to the facility through installation of a delineated walk or trail from the principal structure; or c. Utilization of similar planting materials and building materials as used in the principal structure.

3. Above-ground electrical fencing (does not include underground “vir tual fencing”, which is allowed), and barbed wire fencing is prohibited as perimeter fencing except on parcels or lots of one acre or greater in size in the Future Development (FD) district, Agricultural Ranch (AR) district, Rural Residential (SF-R) district, Character District 1 (CD-1), and Character District 2 (CD-2). 4. Barbed wire, razor wire or similar security fencing features are prohibited except in a Heavy Industrial District or where: a. The Responsible Official considers the desired fence to protect the interests of adjacent proper ty owners and the community at large. 5. Other materials may be approved for use by the responsible official if the material is proven to be sturdy, durable, decorative and relatively maintenance-free. 1. A wall or fence may not exceed 6 feet in height except that a maximum of 8 feet may be permitted where: a. A joint fencing application is made with the signature of both adjacent proper ty owners; and b. The Responsible Official considers the desired fence to protect the interests of adjacent proper ty owners and the community at large. 1. A fence or wall located within the first layer along a primary frontage shall be 48 inches or less in height and 50% open. 2. A fence or wall located within 20 feet from the curb a secondary frontage shall be 48 inches or less in height and 50% open. 3. A fence or wall adjacent to a public park or greenway shall be 6 feet or less in height and 50% open. G. Fences and Walls Adjacent to a Street, Park or Greenway F. Height


Section Applicability

The following requirements apply to walls and fences located out side of a protective yard or required screening area. Section General Requirements A. Permit Required. No fence or wall shall be erected or constructed without a permit first having been issued by the Responsible Official. B. Gates for Vehicular Access. Gates designed for vehicular access shall be set back from the proper ty line a minimum of 25 feet except where access is provided to a structured parking garage. C. Public Easements. Fences and walls crossing a public Easement shall have a gate or removable panel to allow for maintenance access to such easement. No fence within a public utility easement shall be allowed to run parallel with the easement. D. Fences within Drainage Easements. Fences within a Drainage Easement shall be constructed in a manner to not restrict the flow of Drainage water. 1. Fences may be built of wood, metal, or other materials used in private fence construction. 2. Chain link may be permitted in the rear yard. Where it can be documented that the use of chain link in the front yard is an established standard for the par ticular neighborhood, the responsible official may approve its use for a new fence. E. Materials.

(Ord. No. 2019-45, 12-17-19)


Amended: November 3, 2021 San Marcos Development Code

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