San Marcos Development Code (effective November 3, 2021)
3 C H A P T E R
an avenue, boulevard or parkway, or the intersection of another public street. 5. Offers of cross-access shall be prohibited where a proposed nonresidential use or multi-unit living may potentially obtain access from a neighborhood or residential street, unless the resulting access meets the provisions of subsection 4 above. 6. Driveways may intersect a street no closer than fifty (50) feet from the intersection of two (2) street rights-of-way, not including an alley. 7. Nothing in this section shall prevent all site access to any proper ty. 1. All lots abutting a street other than a neighborhood street or neighborhood yield street where no alley is available shall comply with the following standards: a. Internal vehicular circulation areas shall be designed and installed to allow for cross-access between abutting lots; b. When an abutting owner refuses in writing to allow construction of the internal vehicular circulation on their proper ty, a stub for future cross-access shall be provided as close as possible to the common proper ty line. c. When cross-access is waived by the Responsible Official in accordance with Section bicycle and pedestrian connections shall be provided between abutting proper ties except where there is a natural drainage feature greater than fifteen (15) feet across.
1. When an alley is provided, all vehicular access shall take place from the alley. Access may be taken from the side street on corner lots. 2. All lots for ty (40) feet or less in width platted after the effective date of this Development Code are required to take vehicular access from an alley. The Responsible Official may waive this requirement for minor subdivisions platted under Section 3. No residential lot may have more than two (2) driveways on the same street. Multiple driveways that service one (1) lot may be no closer than for ty (40) feet to each other. 4. Non-alley loaded driveways may intersect a street no closer than twenty (20) feet from the intersection of two (2) street rights-of-way. 5. Driveways must be located a minimum of three and one half (3.5) feet from the side lot line. However, a driveway may be located on the lot line closer than three and one half (3.5) feet if it is shared with an adjacent lot. 6. Parking and driveway areas shall not constitute more than for ty (40%) percent of the area between the front building line and the front proper ty line. E. Driveways for Nonresidential, Mixed Use and Residential Greater than 6 Off-Street Spaces 1. If on-site parking areas can be accessed from an improved alley, access from the alley is required and new curb cuts along the public right-of-way are not allowed. 2. Driveways are allowed based on the proper ty frontage of any street. Additional driveways require approval from the Responsible Official. 3. Driveways accessing up to eighty (80) foot wide street rights-of-way must be spaced two hundred (200) feet apar t centerline to centerline and driveways accessing more than an eighty (80) foot wide street right-of-way must be spaced three hundred (300) feet apar t centerline to centerline. 4. A driveway serving any non-residential use or multi-unit living shall not be permitted to access neighborhood yield or neighborhood local streets unless the proposed access point is the lesser of three hundred (300) feet from
F. Cross-Access
(This Section was approved by Ord. No. 2021-47, 8-3-21)
Amended: November 3, 2021 San Marcos Development Code
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