San Marcos Development Code (effective November 3, 2021)
the Responsible Official may waive the requirement for adjacent utility line construction at the time of final plat approval and prior to construction of the subdivision. 2. Connections to existing wastewater lines shall be made in accordance with Chapter 86 of the City Code of Ordinances. D. Existing System. Where insufficient capacity exits downstream of a proposed connection, the replacement and upsizing of existing facilities to a point of sufficient capacity is required of the developer. The installation of a parallel main is prohibited. E. Future Extension of Lines. Pipe stub-outs shall be located in manholes to facilitate the future extension of wastewater lines. The Responsible Official will determine the location and size of the stub-outs. Section On-Site Sewage Facilities A. Adoption of Procedures. The on-site sewage facility rules are adopted, and shall conform to Chapter 86 of the City Code of Ordinances and all state regulations. B. Rule Conflicts. Where this Division or other provisions of this Development Code are more stringent than the on-site sewage facility rules, the local regulations take precedence over the corresponding provisions of the rules. C. Penalties. The City will enforce these rules as provided in V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code, Sections 306.091, Criminal Penalties, 366.092, Injunction or Civil Suit, 366.0921, Civil Penalty, and by any other remedies provided by State Law.
b. The developer must submit a letter from TCEQ verifying that the public water system proposed to serve the development holds a current, valid cer tificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) for the area proposed for development. The letter must be accompanied by a map showing the boundaries of the water system CCN in the vicinity of the development. 3. Standards May Be Met Upon Annexation. If a water system cannot meet the standards of this Chapter, at the Planning and Zoning Commission’s discretion, the subdivision may be approved, if arrangements have been made for an approved water system that will meet city standards to serve the subdivision upon annexation by the City. This shall be arranged by means of a mutually acceptable contract with the City, unless a contract with another entity ensures compliance with the technical requirements of this Chapter, as determined by the City Attorney.
Division 4: WASTEWATER
Section Facilities
A. The City System. Establishment of a private wastewater utility district within the City or within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction is prohibited (see Chapter 70).
B. Centralized Wastewater System
1. Design Requirements. Where wastewater is to be provided through a centralized system, the developer shall install adequate facilities, subject to the standards and specifications of the City and state design criteria for wastewater systems.
C. Line Extensions and Connections.
1. Extension of wastewater lines shall be made along the entire subdivision or development plat adjacent to a street, thoroughfare or within an easement. If the subdivision is not adjacent to a thoroughfare, the extension of utilities shall be accomplished in such a manner as to allow future connections to said utilities by new subdivisions. If new subdivisions will never be constructed beyond a developing subdivision due to physical constraints,
San Marcos Development Code Amended: November 3, 2021
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