San Marcos Development Code (effective Nov. 3, 2021)
3 C H A P T E R
11. Complying with all requirements of the utility providers, including the City. Section Water A. All lots, tracts or parcels on which development is proposed shall be connected to a public water system which has capacity to provide water for domestic use and emergency purposes, including adequate fire protection. B. Adequate water facilities shall be measured in accordance with the current rules and regulations for public water systems of the TCEQ, and the fire fighting standards of the Texas Board of Insurance, the standards of this Chapter 3 and the standards and specifications of the City in Chapter 86 of the City Code of Ordinances. Section Wastewater A. All lots, tracts or parcels on which development is proposed shall be served by an approved means of wastewater collection and treatment as determined by Chapter 86 of the City Code of Ordinances. B. The adequate provision of wastewater services shall be measured in accordance with this Chapter 3 and Chapter 86 of the City Code of Ordinances. Section Electric A. The installation of new electrical distribution infrastructure shall be installed underground in accordance with Chapter 86 of the City Code of Ordinances. Section Right of Way A. The City shall require dedication, construction or reservation of the right-of-way under Section along a street, greenway or thoroughfare designated in the Comprehensive Plan, Transpor tation Master Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Parks Master Plan, Greenways Plan, Bicycle Plan, an approved regulating plan, or an established capital improvement project to protect a designated transpor tation corridor from development. 1. The Responsible Official shall determine the alignment of right-of-way based upon the applicable plan and additional construction criteria including grade, curvature, floodplain or drainage, proper ty ownership, connections to existing roads and infrastructure and other site constraints.
subdivision or development plat under Section or a site development permit under Section B. Deferral of Obligation. Once an obligation has been determined, the obligation to dedicate rights-of-way for or to construct one or more capital improvements to serve a new development may be deferred until approval of a subordinate development permit. C. Responsibilities of the Developer. The following actions shall be demonstrated by the developer with regard to the provision of adequate public facilities related to the approval of a permit or application under Section or Section 1. Phasing of development or improvements in order to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities; 2. Extensions of public facilities and roadways (including any necessary on-site and off-site facilities) to connect to existing public facilities; 3. Improvements to existing facilities required to accommodate increased traffic demand from proposed land uses; 4. Providing and/or procuring all necessary proper ty interests, including rights-of-way and easements, for the facilities (whether on-site or off-site); 6. Making provisions for future expansion of the public facilities as needed to serve future developments, subject to the City’s oversize par ticipation policies, if applicable; 7. Making provisions for the dedication of public facilities identified in the Comprehensive Plan and other city master plans in accordance with Section; 8. Providing for all operations and maintenance of the public facilities, or providing proof that a separate entity will be responsible for the operations and maintenance of the facilities; 9. Providing all fiscal security required for the construction of the public facilities; 10. Obtaining approvals from the applicable public and private utility providers other than the City; and 5. Providing proof to the City of adequate public facilities;
Amended: November 3, 2021 San Marcos Development Code
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