San Marcos Development Code (effective Nov. 3, 2021)
3 C H A P T E R
Section Expiration and Extension
A. Expiration. A waiver to allow building across a lot line shall expire automatically if: 1. Development of the lot does not occur within two years of the recordation of the waiver. 2. The structure built under the waiver is either demolished or destroyed. B. Recording. Upon expiration of the waiver, an instrument evidencing such expiration and rescinding the waiver shall be filed at the county of record. However, failure to file such instrument shall not extend the term of the waiver and the City may take any action available at law or in equity to enforce its ordinances or applicable laws, rules or standards that would apply to the Lots in the absence of the waiver under this Division 5. C. Extension. A waiver to allow building across a lot line may be extended in accordance with Section
Section Purpose, Applicability, and Effect
A. Purpose. The purpose of a waiver to allow building across a lot line shall be to provide an expeditious means of developing over a middle lot line between two adjacent lots under the same ownership. B. Applicability. The procedures for a waiver to allow building across a lot line shall apply only for the purpose of accommodating a single structure or building over a single lot line between two contiguous legally conforming lots. C. Effect. Upon approval by the Responsible Official, the waiver may be recorded and is controlling over the recorded plat until such time as the structure or building requiring the waiver is destroyed or demolished. Section Application Requirements A. An application for waiver to allow building across a lot line shall be prepared in accordance with Section Section Approval Process A. The Responsible Official shall either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application for a waiver based on the criteria in Section Section Criteria for Approval The Responsible Official shall decide whether to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the requested waiver based on the following criteria: A. The combined area and dimensions of the two contiguous lots must meet all dimensional standards for a single lot under this Development Code; C. Both lots must be legally platted whole lots within an existing subdivision; D. The waiver shall not attempt to remove or modify recorded covenants or restrictions or easements; and E. The waiver to allow building across a lot line shall not require the dedication of any additional right-of-way or easements. B. Both lots must be under the same ownership;
(Ord. No. 2019-45, 12-17-19)
Section Purpose
A. Purpose. The purpose of a plat vacation is to provide an expeditious means of vacating a recorded plat in its entirety, consistent with provisions of State law. Section Application Requirements
A. Initiation of a Plat Vacation
1. By Property Owner. The proper ty owner of the tract covered by a plat may submit an application to vacate the plat at any time before any lot in the plat is sold. 2. By All Lot Owners. If lots in the plat have been sold, an application to vacate the plat must be submitted by all the owners of lots in the plat. 3. City Council. The City Council may initiate a plat vacation on its own motion if it determines that the plat should be vacated in the interest of and to protect the public’s health, safety and welfare; and:
Amended: November 3, 2021 San Marcos Development Code
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