San Marcos Development Code (effective Nov. 3, 2021)
3 C H A P T E R
4. The plat meets any county standards to be applied under an interlocal agreement between the City and a County under Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code Ch. 242, where the proposed development is located in whole or in par t in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City and in the County. Section Modifications to an Approved Preliminary Subdivision or Development Plat A. Administrative Adjustment. After approval of a preliminary subdivision or development plat, the responsible official may approve an administrative adjustment for minor variations in an approved preliminary subdivision or development plat that: 1. Do not increase the intensity, density, or number of units, by more than 10%. 2. Do not negatively impact the adequate provision of public facilities. 3. Is a minor adjustments resulting from the installation of public infrastructure as determined by the responsible official. Section Expiration and Extension A. Expiration. The approval of a preliminary subdivision plat application shall remain in effect for a period of two years from the date the application was approved or conditionally approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with Section B. Extension. A preliminary plat may be extended in accordance with Section Section Purpose, Applicability, Exceptions, and Effect A. Purpose. The purpose of a final subdivision plat or a final development plat is to assure that the division or development of the land subject to the plat is consistent with all standards of this Development Code per taining to the adequacy of public facilities, that public Improvements to serve the subdivision or development have been installed and accepted by the City or that provision for such installation has been made. It also serves to assure that all other requirements and conditions Division 3: FINAL SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT PLAT
have been satisfied or provided for to allow the plat to be recorded, and to assure that the subdivision or development meets all other standards of this Development Code to enable initiation of site preparation activities for any lot or tract subject to the plat.
B. Applicability. Approval of a final subdivision plat or a final development plat must be obtained:
1. Prior to any non-exempt division of land.
2. Prior to the issuance of any construction permit in accordance with Section
C. Exceptions. A final subdivision plat or final development plat application under this Ar ticle shall not be required for any land division that may be approved through the minor plat procedures of Section D. Effect. Approval of a final subdivision or development plat authorizes: 1. The subdivider to install any improvements in public rights-of-way under approved public improvement construction plans and a subdivision improvement agreement, where required; 2. The Responsible Official to record the plat upon completion and acceptance of public improvements or posting of security; and 3. Approval of subsequent development applications upon recordation of the final subdivision or development plat. Section Application Requirements A. An application for a final subdivision or development plat shall be submitted in accordance with the universal application procedures in Section except as otherwise provided in this Chapter 3. B. An application for a final subdivision or development plat shall not be approved unless the following applications and development permits, where applicable, have been approved: 1. All legislative approvals needed to authorize the proposed uses for the land.
2. A concept plat.
Amended: November 3, 2021 San Marcos Development Code
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