San Marcos Development Code (effective Nov. 3, 2021)
2 C H A P T E R
Development Procedures
B. Responsible Official. The responsible official with respect to a development application is the responsible official designated under Table 2.1. In each case, the responsible official shall be responsible for taking the following actions with regard to the development application:
B. Determining Authority. The director of planning and development services is the determining authority for the types of development applications indicated in Table 2.1. C. Administrative Adjustments. The director of planning and development services is hereby authorized to approve administrative adjustments as provided in Section Section Engineering Director A. Responsible Official. The engineering director is the responsible official for the types of development applications and relief applications indicated in Table 2.1. B. Determining Authority. The engineering director is the determining authority for cer tain types of development applications and relief applications identified in Table 2.1. C. Floodplain Administrator. The engineering director is the floodplain administrator for the city and shall carry out the duties and responsibilities indicated in Chapter 39 of the city code. D. Administrative Adjustments. The engineering director is hereby authorized to approve administrative adjustments as provided in Section Section Building Official A. Determining Authority. The building official is the responsible official for cer tain types of development applications and relief applications identified in Table 2.1. Section City Manager and Other City Officials A. The city manager, city attorney and any other officials delegated responsibilities under this development code are authorized to take all actions necessary to carry out their responsibilities in accordance with the requirements and limitations prescribed herein.
1. Seeking advice of other city depar tments;
2. Initially deciding the application, where so authorized;
3. Determining a request for exemption other than an exemption required to be granted by the planning and zoning commission, the City Council or the Zoning Board of Adjustment; 4. Preparing repor ts to and advising any board, commission or the City Council that has responsibility for making recommendations on or deciding the application; 5. Promulgating additional or modified policies, standards and administrative rules for adoption by the City Council that apply to the application; 6. Initiating enforcement actions concerning compliance with the standards applicable to the application and the conditions imposed thereon; 7. Taking all other actions necessary for administration of the provisions of this development code with respect to the application, and; 8. Delegating the official’s authority as responsible official to subordinate officials, who shall thereupon be deemed the responsible official for purpose of carrying out the delegated duties. C. Approval Authority. The approval authority with respect to a development application is the approval authority designated under Table 2.1. In each case, the approval authority shall make all decisions and determinations whether to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the development application. Section Director of Planning and Development Services A. Responsible Official. The Director or Planning and Development Services is the responsible official for the types of development applications and relief applications indicated in Table 2.1.
Amended: November 3, 2021 San Marcos Development Code
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