San Marcos Development Code (effective Nov. 3, 2021)
Zoning regulations
Division 5: ACTIVATION
Figure 4.17 Residential front door requireemnts
Activation standards are described here and required based on the proper ties zoning district or designated building type. Section Residential Front Door Requirements A. Applicability. This section shall apply to House, Cottage Cour t, Duplex, Zero Lot Line House, and Townhouse Building Types. B. Intent. The residential front door requirements are intended to enhance the visibility and ease of access to the front door from the public street. The requirements fur ther intend to assist first responders in emergency situations. C. Requirements. Where the front door is recessed from the front façade the following requirements shall apply: 1. If the front door is recessed 3 feet or less from the front façade, the entry shall be a minimum of 5 feet wide for the entire length of the entry (Figure 4.17) and shall not be obstructed by architectural features, columns, or other obstructions or material that would reduce the passable width of the entry. 2. If the front door is recessed more than 3 feet, the entry shall be a minimum of 7 feet wide for the entire length of the entry (Figure 4.17) and shall not be obstructed by architectural features, columns, or other obstructions or material that would reduce the passable width of the entry. 3. As indicated in Figure 4.17, the entry width shall be measured from the edge of brick, siding, or other finished material.
(This Section was approved by Ordinance No. 2021-47 on 8-3-21.) Section Street Facing Entrance
A. Intent
1. The street-facing entrance regulations are intended to concentrate pedestrian activity along the street edge and provide an easily identifiable and conveniently located entrance for residents, visitors, and patrons accessing a building as pedestrians from the street. 2. Access points should be located or identified in a manner visible to the pedestrian from the street and be accessible via a direct path. 1. An entrance installed after the adoption of this code providing both ingress and egress, operable to residents or customers at all times, is required to meet the street facing entrance requirements. Additional entrances from another street, pedestrian area or internal parking area are permitted.
4. If a front porch is proposed it shall be designed in accordance with Table 4.14, Front Porch.
B. General Requirements
San Marcos Development Code Amended: November 3, 2021
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