San Marcos Development Code (effective Nov. 3, 2021)
h. The extent to which public disturbances and nuisances may be created or perpetuated by continued operation of the use. i. The extent to which traffic or parking problems may be created or perpetuated by continued operation of the use. j. Any other factors relevant to the issue of whether continued operation of the use will adversely affect nearby proper ties. k. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the ZBOA cannot amor tize the following uses unless it finds that the use is a nuisance and/or that the use presents a risk of imminent destruction of proper ty or injury to persons: 1. The use was already legally operating on the date the annexation proceedings were initiated for the proper ty; or
2. Second Public Hearing. If the ZBOA has determined in the first public hearing that the nonconforming use has an adverse effect on nearby proper ties, it shall hold a second public hearing to set a date for compliance. The ZBOA shall, in accordance with the law, provide a compliance date for the nonconforming use under a plan whereby the owner’s actual investment in the use before the time that the use became nonconforming can be amor tized within a definite time period. The following factors must be considered by the ZBOA in determining a reasonable amor tization period: a. The owner’s capital investment in structures, fixed equipment, and other assets (excluding inventory and other assets that may be feasibly transferred to another site) on the proper ty before the time the use became nonconforming. b. Any costs that are directly attributable to the establishment of a compliance date, including demolition expenses, relocation expenses, termination of leases, and discharge of mor tgages. c. Any return on investment since inception of the use, including net income and depreciation. d. The anticipated annual recovery of investment, including net income and depreciation. e. A reasonable wind-up period for the nonconforming use. 3. If the ZBOA, at the first public hearing, requests financial documentation and/or records from the owner relating to the factors listed directly above, the owner shall provide said documents and/or records at least thir ty (30) days before the second public hearing. If the owner does not provide said documentation, the ZBOA is authorized to make its determination of a compliance date based upon any reasonably available public records as well as public testimony at the hearing. Failure by owner to provide the requested financial documents and records shall not prevent the ZBOA from setting a compliance date.
2. The use was not already operating on the
effective date of annexation, but was planned for the proper ty before the 90th day before the effective date of annexation, and A. One or more licenses, cer tificates, permits, approvals, or other form of authorization by a governmental entity were required by law for the planned land use; and initial authorization was filed with the governmental entity before the date the annexation proceedings were instituted. For the purpose of this section, a completed application is filed if the application includes all documents and other information designated as required by the governmental entity in a written notice to the applicant. For the purposes of this section, the date the annexation proceedings were instituted means the date the City Council approves the ordinance annexing the proper ty. B. A completed application for the
San Marcos Development Code Amended: November 3, 2021
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