San Marcos Development Code (effective Nov. 3, 2021)
3 C H A P T E R
Article 6: Blocks, Lots, Access
Section or if no platting is required a site development permit under Section
Division 1: IN GENERAL
B. Block Standards
1. Residential blocks must have sufficient width to provide for two (2) tiers of residential lots, except:
Section Intent
A. The intent of the maximum block perimeter and connectivity regulations is to provide a well-connected street network. B. Large blocks with limited connectivity discourages walking, contributes to street congestion and adds driving distance that can negatively impact emergency services.
a. Where across from a public park or open space;
b. To allow for unusual topographical conditions; or
c. When adjacent to the outer perimeter of a subdivision as illustrated in Section 2. The following table establishes the maximum block perimeter and maximum length for a dead-end street by zoning district. In the event that a single block contains more than one zoning district, the most restrictive requirement applies.
C. New streets should be designed to consider future development.
D. The access regulations are intended to provide safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian access within developments and between adjacent developments and to lessen traffic congestion. Pedestrian, bike and vehicular access should be safe, direct and convenient. E. Administrative adjustments of up to 10% of the standards and requirements of this Division may be appropriate where:
Table 3.1 Block Perimeters
Block Perimeter (max)
Dead-End Street (Max)
Zoning District
FD, CD-1, CD-2
500 Ft.
1. Topographic changes are too steep;
SF-6, ND-3, SF-R, SF-4.5
3,000 Ft.
300 Ft.
2. Existing buildings, streams or other natural or man-made obstructions or site layout of developed proper ties prevent cross access;
ND-3.2, ND-3.5, ND-4, CD-2.5, CD-3
2,800 Ft.
250 Ft.
2,400 Ft.
200 Ft.
CD-5, CD-5D
2000 Ft.
Not Allowed
3. Adjoining uses are incompatible; or
5,000 Ft.
400 Ft.
4. Strict compliance would pose a safety hazard.
3,000 Ft.
300 Ft.
F. Where the Responsible Official determines that the adjustment is greater than 10% an alternative compliance request under the findings in Section may be made to the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with Section
(Ord. No. 2020-60, 9-1-2020)
3. An Internal Drive in accordance with Section may be used to satisfy the maximum block perimeter in the following circumstances: a. Re-development in a CD-5 or CD-5D district where the existing transpor tation network does not meet the block requirements of this section.
Division 2: BLOCKS
Section Block Perimeter
A. Applicability. The City shall require an initial demonstration that the block perimeter standards are met at the time for approval of the first development application that por trays a specific plan of development but at no time shall the determination be made after the approval of a subdivision or development plat under
b. In an CM, HC, HI, or LI District.
Amended: November 3, 2021 San Marcos Development Code
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