San Marcos Development Code Effective 10.17.23


Development Procedures

d. Any other registered neighborhood organization representing the area in which the subject property is located;

placed in a visible, unobstructed location near the front property line. 2. Signs shall utilize a minimum of 6” lettering to state the purpose of the request and all public hearing dates. 3. The notification signs shall be left in place until final action is taken or the request is withdrawn. 4. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to periodically check sign locations to verify that signs remain in place and have not been vandalized or removed. The applicant shall immediately notify the responsible official of any missing or defective signs. 5. It is unlawful for a person to alter any notification sign, or to remove it while the case is pending; however, any removal or alteration that is beyond the control of the applicant shall not constitute a failure to meet notification requirements. G. Notice of Application. Whenever notice of an application is required by this development code under Table 2.1, the Responsible Official shall send electronic notification: 1. To all parties requesting notification of an application submitted within the region; 2. Before the 12th day after an application is determined complete. H. Notification Following Decision. Within ten (10) business days of determination on a development application, written notification of the action shall be sent to the applicant, stating the action taken and including any conditions imposed or basis for denial if applicable. I. Notification of Appeal or Revocation. If no public hearing was held prior to approval of the development application, personal notice of revocation or appeal shall be given only to the holder of the permit. J. Special Notice. Whenever this Development Code requires, or the City Council prescribes, that notice of a public hearing be given that differs from the requirements of this Section, the Responsible Official shall cause such notice to be given in the manner otherwise required or prescribed. (Ord. No. 2019-45, 12-17-19)

e. The applicant and/or property owner; and


The appellant if an appeal.

1. The notice shall set forth the

a. Name of the applicant;

b. Date, time, and location of the hearing;

c. Purpose of the hearing;

d. Identification of the subject property; and

e. The name of the appellant if an appeal.

2. Notice shall be sent to each owner indicated on the most recently approved municipal tax roll for land inside the city limits, and, when required by state law, land in the extraterritorial jurisdiction. 3. For recently annexed land that is not included on the most recently approved municipal or county tax roll, notice may be given by published notice. 4. Notice may be served by depositing the notice, properly addressed and first class postage prepaid, in the United States mail. E. Posted Notice. Whenever this Development Code requires that notice of a public hearing be posted on land, the responsible official shall cause notification signs stating the purpose and dates of the hearing to be placed on the subject property at least 11 days before the first public hearing unless a longer time period is identified in this development code. amendments initiated by a property owner, and a conditional use permit allowing the on premise consumption of alcohol or purpose built student housing require that the responsible official send post notice at least 17 days prior to the hearing date. 1. A minimum of one 2’ x 2’ sign shall be placed on each street frontage. Property with multiple street frontages shall have the requisite sign on each street. Signs shall be F. Comprehensive plan map amendments or zoning map


Amended: October 17, 2023 San Marcos Development Code

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