San Marcos Development Code Effective 10.17.23


Development Procedures

b. Within 12 days of application submittal the Responsible Official shall send electronic notification of the meeting to all parties requesting notification of a submitted application within that region and post the meeting date and location on the City’s website. c. The Responsible Official shall be present to take notes and report the number of participants included in the neighborhood presentation meeting in any subsequent staff reports. Meeting decorum should follow protocol as stated in section 2.045(h) of the City Code. d. The neighborhood presentation meeting shall be held on or in close proximity to the area of the request. e. The neighborhood presentation meeting shall be held 20-28 days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. F. Application Fees. Filing fees have been established to help defray the cost of processing applications. The current fee schedule is prepared and adopted by the City Council as an appendix to this development code and is available on-line on the city’s website. 1. An application is not considered complete until all fees are paid in full. 2. The fee schedule may be amended from time to time by resolution of the city council. 3. The following entities shall be exempt from all fees prescribed under this development code except that no exemption from or waiver of impact fees shall be permitted except as provided under Chapter 86 of the City’s General Code of Ordinances of this development code: a. Non-profit organizations receiving funds from the city through the city’s community development block grant or human services program; b. The city when using city employees on a construction project of the city; (Ord. No. 2018-42, 11-07-18)

2. The presumption is that an application is complete if all of the information required in this development code, technical manuals or the city’s application forms is provided. However, it is recognized that each application is unique, and more or less information may be required according to the specifics of a particular case. The applicant may rely on the responsible official to determine whether more or less information has to be submitted. 3. The charging or collection of fees and the processing of an application shall not constitute a determination of completeness. 4. The application shall not be considered filed until the Responsible Official has determined it complete. D. Pre-Development Meeting. An applicant is required to request a pre-development meeting with the Responsible Official prior to filing an application. The Responsible Official shall have the authority to waive the pre-development meeting, if such application does not warrant a meeting, or if alternative measures have been taken to address concerns and/or questions that may arise out of the application. No application shall be accepted for filing at a pre-development meeting. A pre-development meeting does not trigger any grandfathering or vested rights or commence a review period. (Ord. No. 2019-45, 12-17-19) E. Neighborhood Presentation Meeting. The purpose of a neighborhood presentation meeting is to begin the discussion about the proposal and is not a forum for final decisions or the acceptance of formal comments concerning public support or opposition. 1. Neighborhood presentation meetings are required for requests located in Existing Neighborhood areas only when required by Table 2.1 of this development code. (Ord. No. 2020-60, 9-1-2020)

2. When a neighborhood presentation meeting is required:

a. An applicant or authorized representative must schedule and facilitate a minimum of one neighborhood presentation meeting to discuss the proposed application.

c. Contractors hired by the city to work on construction projects of the city;


Amended: October 17, 2023 San Marcos Development Code

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