San Marcos Development Code Effective 10.17.23



Article 7: New Streets

6. Administrative design adjustments approved by the Responsible Official pursuant to Section may be appropriate when an existing building would impede roadway expansion; when transitioning from a different street section; or where strict compliance with this Development Code would pose a safety hazard. 1. When a preliminary plat, final plat or site permit proposes the construction of a new street, the requirements of this Article apply. 2. Sidewalks, streets and street trees must be installed and constructed in accordance with this Article. 3. Existing streets may remain serving existing development in their current configuration; however, they shall not be extended or substantially rebuilt except in conformance with this Article (see also Section Existing Streets) Section Street Right-of-Way Width A. Street right-of-way width for Thoroughfare Plan streets must be dedicated as specified in the Transportation Master Plan. Alignments may be adjusted as approved by the Responsible Official. B. Applicants must dedicate sufficient right-of-way to the City for streets and sidewalks. Typical street right-of way widths are illustrated in this Section. C. A median may be added to the street cross-sections by increasing the right-of-way width. A median should be 18 feet B. Applicability


This Article describes regulations for the construction of new streets throughout the City and is intended to provide a catalog of pre-approved street types that are appropriate to use. Section Intent and Applicability

A. Intent

1. The intent of the new street regulations is to provide a palette of street typologies and design elements that reflect the character of different areas within the City. 2. The new street regulations provide adequate travel lanes for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. 3. The City supports the use of context sensitive design solutions and complete streets and will review projects on a case-by-case basis for conformance with these concepts. 4. The street typical cross-sections displayed in this Section provide a guide to balancing the needs of all modes of travel. Modifications to these typical cross sections may be made by the Responsible Official.

5. The appropriate street typical cross-section will be selected by the Responsible Official based on both engineering and land use context factors, including anticipated vehicle volumes. Figure 3.11 Measurement of Streets


Amended: October 17, 2023 San Marcos Development Code

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