San Marcos Development Code Effective 10.17.23
3. A development involving avenues, boulevards, and commercial streets not appearing on the City’s adopted Thoroughfare Plan.
upstream drainage area under developed conditions and shall be designed to prevent overloading the capacity of the downstream drainage system as determined by the Responsible Official and in accordance with Section and the City’s adopted stormwater technical manual. B. The City may require the phasing of development, the use of control methods such as retention or detention, the construction of off-site drainage improvements, and/or payment of stormwater connection fees in order to mitigate the impacts of the proposed development. Section Facilities A. Parkland. Where a proposed park, open space, or greenway shown in the Comprehensive Plan or other adopted City Master Plan is located in whole or in part in a development, the City shall require the dedication of land in accordance with Section Section Facilities Participation 1. The developer shall, at the request of the Responsible Official, dedicate rights-of-way and easements, and construct roadway, drainage, wastewater, water and other public facilities, of a size greater than the City’s minimum standards or the size needed to serve the area being developed, whichever is greater. In connection with the request, the City shall enter into an agreement with the developer under which the City reimburses the developer for the increase in the cost of the facilities within one year after the date the construction plans for the facilities are approved, or within sixty (60) days after the construction has been completed, whichever is later. The agreement will be subject to approval by the City Attorney and City Manager, and if the amount of the reimbursement exceeds the City Manager’s authority to approve by the City Council. 2. Determination of Reimbursement Amount. Before a developer is entitled to reimbursement under this section, the developer shall furnish the Responsible Official with a construction cost estimate for the facilities prepared by the developer’s engineer, or a signed copy of the construction contractor’s bid for construction of the facilities. The cost A. City Facilities Oversize Participation
(Ord. No. 2019-45, 12-17-19)
C. The vehicular impact of a proposed development on existing residential streets shall be demonstrated by a transportation impact assessment prepared in accordance with Section under the following conditions: 1. The proposed addition of more than 300 vehicle trips per day to the existing traffic volumes. D. Where a transportation impact assessment demonstrates a degradation of overall intersection level of service below the existing intersection operating level or where the existing intersection is operating at a level of service F, the proposed site permit or subdivision may be approved provided that a traffic mitigation plan is submitted. E. The traffic mitigation plan shall identify capital projects and phasing strategies that would bring the development impact to within a reasonable and adequate level as determined by the Responsible Official. This plan may identify improvements undertaken by the private sector, the public sector or both. Factors to be considered by the Responsible Official include whether: 1. The cost of the mitigation measures exceed the value of the proposed development; 2. Transportation demand strategies including multi-modal improvements are included; and
3. Alternative access strategies are evaluated and considered such as new street connections.
F. Pedestrian, and Streetscape Improvements.
1. Pedestrian and streetscape Improvements are required and determined adequate when the proposed development meets the requirements of the new streets under Section or existing streets under Section Section Stormwater Facilities A. Drainage. The minimum configuration of any stormwater facility shall accommodate potential runoff from the entire
Amended: October 17, 2023 San Marcos Development Code
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