San Marcos Development Code 9.1.2020
8 C H A P T E R
De nitions
and worksheet utilizing industry accepted standards for determining replacement cost on the City’s Website. 235. Superstation: any nonlocal broadcast signal secondarily transmitted by Satellite. 236. Surveyor: a licensed state land Surveyor or a registered professional land Surveyor, as authorized by state statutes, to practice the profession of surveying.
temporary augmentation of permanent communications equipment. 246. Thoroughfare: a way to provide access to Lots and Open Spaces. Figure 8.3 thoroughfare
237. Swale: a low or slightly depressed natural area for Drainage.
238. TABC: the Texas Alcohol and Beverage Commission.
239. TCEQ: the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
240. TCEQ BMP Guidance Manual: TCEQ document RG-348, “Complying with the Edwards Aquifer Rules: Technical Guid- ance on Best Management Practices”. 241. TCEQ Edwards Aquifer Rules: the TCEQ rules for the Edwards Aquifer, 30 TAC Chapter 213, Subchapter A, as amended. 242. TCSS: the City’s design and construction standards for the installation and Construction of Subdivision or public Improvements that are associated with developing a piece of property. TCSS is an acronym for Technical Construction Standards and Specifications. 244. Temporary BMPs: Base Zones used to prevent and control Pollution from Development during Construction. 245. Temporary/Mobile Antenna: an antenna and any associated support structure/equipment (including, but not limited to, a support pole, a vehicle, etc.) that is placed and/or used on a temporary basis only (i.e., not intended to be permanent), usually in conjunction with a special event, news coverage or emergency situation, or in case of equipment failure or 243. TSDHS: the Texas State Department of Health Services.
Public Frontage
Vehicular Lanes
Public Frontage
Parking Lane
Parking Lane
247. Thoroughfare Plan: [Future Transportation Plan] a Street plan that is part of the Comprehensive Plan. 248. Tiedown: any device designed for the purpose of anchoring a Mobile Home or manufactured home to ground anchors, as required by V.T.C.A., Occupations Code, Chapter 1201. 249. Trailer, Hauling: a vehicle or device which is pulled behind an automobile or Truck and which is designed for hauling animals, produce, goods or commodities, including boats. a range of different conditions, results or habitats. The rural-urban Transect of the human environment is used to describe Character Based Districts and the physical form and character of a place. 251. Transition Zone: with respect to the Edwards Aquifer, the area Adjoining the Recharge Zone where faults, fractures, or other Geologic Features or Manmade Features would present a possible avenue for recharge of surface water to the Edwards Aquifer. The Transition Zone is identified as such on official TCEQ maps, which are incorporated in this Develop- ment Code by reference. 250. Transect: a cross-section of the environment showing
252. Transit Route: an existing or planned route for public
intracity or intraurban transit service in the local or regional transportation plan or the plan of the relevant transit service provider. Does not include temporary routes.
Amended: September 1, 2020 San Marcos Development Code
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